home: spiritual companionship
Spiritual direction is a home for me. When I started seminary, I had never heard of it. When I took my school’s introductory class in the practice, it gave me language and a context for a lot of the things I intuitively knew and felt about my life of faith. It gave me a vision for where I was headed in my vocation as a healer.
I’ve had a number of spiritual directors over the years. They are not therapists or mentors, but more of a spiritual companion to walk with me and help me discern the movement and voice of God in my life. It has been a powerful experience to both listen with and be heard by another human. It is a context in which I regularly feel seen.
It’s my joy to pass on this gift to others. My spirituality looks a lot different than when I started this leg of my journey, but I still know this is what I am called to. I want to support and encourage folx - especially those on the margins - in knowing who they truly are. My desire to hold space for them so that we can listen for the divine together and that they know the love of the Creator toward them. This is the role my director holds in my life today, and this is what I hope to carry on for many years to come.
A flower mandala with symbols and images made by my spiritual director for our meeting. A burning candle to remind us of the presence and participation of the Spirit with us.