spiritual direction/companionship
Spiritual direction and companionship is a little like wind in the willow trees. It’s confidential relationship between a spiritual seeker, a guide, and the divine. The people seeking spiritual direction may feel freshly inspired to begin a new spiritual journey, be confused, or have experienced trauma through religion. Together, the seeker and companion look for the activity of the divine at work like wind moving leafy branches through the air. While the wind itself is invisible, it’s power can be felt and it’s effect seen in the world in which it moves. The seeker learns awareness of how they are experiencing God’s presence and guidance in their lives.
The spiritual companion is there to walk alongside the seeker as a spiritual companion with the goal of healing and growth in mind. The companion asks questions and encourages deeper thinking and greater attentiveness to the Spirit as the true director. Whether in person or meeting remotely, the seeker and the companion listen, watch, and sense the unique movement of the divine in the seeker’s life.
Individualized contemplative retreats are also available designed for the needs of the seeker.
energy healing
Grand Reiki Master Hawayo Takata called reiki energy by various names: God Power, Cosmic Energy, Universal Life Force, Prana, Mana. She said it is always present and we are unaware of it until the contact is made, after which they can be received and converted into healing energy. Mirimiri incorporates kaupapa Māori and can include body work known as romiromi.
Energy healing is not a technique or a process - it just is. The flow is sensed in the hands, felt usually as heat, sometimes as a vibration or tingling, occasionally in another form. Each person is unique, and there are infinite expressions of this healing energy: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Treatments are received in a calm and welcoming environment while fully clothed. The client can choose whether or not they prefer to be touched.
The practitioner is not in control over what will happen, as the responsibility, as whatever occurs lies within the one being treated. It is the body’s own wisdom which determines whether or not it will accept the healing energy - the practitioner simply facilitates a healing space to be the channel through which it is transferred.
adapted from Helen J. Haberly
holistic professional supervision
If you are looking for a more holistic approach to making positive progress on your professional journey, this might be for you. Our kaupapa is that all aspects of wellbeing are interconnected, and this includes within providing person-centred, trauma-informed social services. It is vital that we identify your “why”, the values that underpin your practice. From there, we investigate the research-based best practices that will help you do your best mahi.
We know that helping vocations often ask a lot of us mentally, physically, and emotionally. Our inter-personal relationships within our organization can often make the difference between being able to thrive or having to struggle to survive in a role. Together, we will identify your areas of strength so that you can bring your best self to the table or into the streets as well as navigate challenging vocational situations. We will also take time for grounding, mindfulness, and reflection so that your spirit has time to rest and be restored.
In identifying your learning edges, we will have the opportunity to set SMART goals and walk together while building a personal kaupapa. The supervisor models the skills, frameworks and attitudes needed to move forward while empowering their supervisee to operate in their strengths. Your supervisor is there as a listening ear, for advice, accountability, advocacy, and to be there in your personal cheering section!
Integration can be difficult to accomplish. If one aspect of our being - mind, body, emotions, or spirit - is left untended, our growth can be incomplete. Each of these elements of being are interconnected, like the four directions or seasons. We can only be as integrated as our least tended element. If any one aspect is not looked after, we can find ourselves losing our center and drifting toward burnout... or worse. The path to wholeness and well-being is unique to each individual and can be completely transforming. Let’s discern your course together.
— Heather Penzel, MA
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